What do apple cider vinegar gummies do?

Four practical ways apple cider vinegar gummies can benefit your current lifestyle. 

Curious about apple cider vinegar gummies but unsure if they're worth incorporating into your daily routine? You're not alone. With countless health products promising miraculous results, it's totally natural to doubt whether apple cider vinegar gummies live up to the hype. 

If you've found yourself intrigued by the idea but hesitant to take the plunge, let's cut through the fluff and understand the tangible benefits you may expect from incorporating apple cider vinegar gummies into your routine. Furthermore, we’ll suggest exactly how to get the most out of your apple cider vinegar gummies and give you the greatest chance for success.

1. Improves Digestion

Apple cider vinegar gummies can improve digestion by increasing your consumption of acetic acid. Acetic acid is a major component of apple cider vinegar which helps increase the production of stomach acid and supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. 

Make the most of it: Take 2-3 apple cider vinegar gummies before or after a meal to increase stomach acid production and aid digestion.

2. Reduces Sugar Cravings

A surprising benefit of apple cider vinegar is that it helps curb those pesky sugar cravings that often strike after a meal. These come about when blood sugar levels are irregular, which commonly occurs after food and insulin activity spikes. Apple cider vinegar has proven to regulate those fluctuations in blood glucose, which subsequently reduces your desire to snack on sweets and dessert. So if you’re looking to eat less sweets and maintain a calorie deficit, apple cider vinegar gummies could be your secret weapon. 

Make the most of it: Take 2-3 apple cider vinegar gummies before or after a meal to improve blood sugar regulation and reduce sugar cravings. Ensure the gummies you choose do not contain high levels of added sugar, which would heavily offset these benefits.

3. Feel Fuller for Longer

Apple cider vinegar gummies can contribute to weight management by increasing feelings of fullness. The acetic acid in the apple cider vinegar both regulates blood glucose levels and slows gastric emptying, meaning you may experience increased satiety, another word for feeling of fullness. 

Make the most of it: Take 2-3 apple cider vinegar gummies before a meal to feel fuller for longer. 

4. Stabilise Energy Levels and Avoid Sugar Crashes

Another fantastic benefit of apple cider vinegar is that it may help sustain energy levels throughout the day. Because apple cider vinegar helps stabilise blood sugar levels, you’re less likely to get derailed by a “sugar crash” which is caused by sharp dips in blood glucose.  

Make the most of it: Take 2-3 apple cider vinegar gummies before a meal to better regulate blood glucose levels. Ensure the gummies you choose do not contain high levels of added sugar, which would heavily offset these benefits.


Apple cider vinegar gummies are an easy, fun way to consistently take your apple cider vinegar. You can reap the benefits without the hassle of the traditional liquid form, especially when you’re on the go. Beyond being delicious, there are real, tangible effects consistent apple cider vinegar intake through gummies can have on your lifestyle, including:

  1. Improving Digestion
  2. Reducing Sugar Cravings
  3. Feeling Fuller for Longer
  4. Stabilise Energy Levels and Avoid Sugar Crashes

To ensure you’re maximising these ACV benefits with gummies, ensure the gummy product you choose follow these rules: 

  1. High concentration of ACV - minimum 500mg per serve
  2. Contains no added sugar 
  3. No artificial additives, such as colours, flavours or preservatives 

If you want to see if Sugar Free Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies are for you, check out our gummies here or via Amazon AU


Johnston, C. S., Kim, C. M., & Buller, A. J. (2004). Vinegar Improves Insulin Sensitivity to a High-Carbohydrate Meal in Subjects With Insulin Resistance or Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 27(1), 281–282. https://doi.org/10.2337/diacare.27.1.281

Kondo, T., Kishi, M., Fushimi, T., Ugajin, S., & Kaga, T. (2009). Vinegar Intake Reduces Body Weight, Body Fat Mass, and Serum Triglyceride Levels in Obese Japanese Subjects. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 73(8), 1837–1843. https://doi.org/10.1271/bbb.90231

Ostman, E., Granfeldt, Y., Persson, L., & Björck, I. (2005). Vinegar Supplementation Lowers Glucose and Insulin Responses and Increases Satiety After a Bread Meal in Healthy Subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59(9), 983–988. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602197

Petsiou, E. I., Mitrou, P. I., Raptis, S. A., & Dimitriadis, G. D. (2014). Effect and Mechanisms of Action of Vinegar on Glucose Metabolism, Lipid Profile, and Body Weight. Nutrition Reviews, 72(10), 651–661. https://doi.org/10.1111/nure.12125